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How to choose various cleaning products on the market

In the face of various washing products on the market, some people have asked: I usually use laundry detergent to wash clothes. This time, I used laundry detergent when the laundry detergent ran out, but my hands felt hot after using it. Is it laundry detergent? Is it bad for the skin?

Experts said that since the laundry detergent is in a liquid state and can be completely dissolved in water, there are relatively few ingredients remaining on the clothes, and the irritation to the skin is relatively small.

The washing powder is solid and cannot be completely dissolved in water. After washing the clothes, some ingredients are often left on the clothes, which will cause certain irritation to the skin.

Therefore, when we wash clothes with washing powder, we should not take too long, or wear laundry gloves, which can also protect the skin.

After washing the clothes, you may wish to wash them several times to reduce the residue of chemical ingredients. If you are washing close-to-wear clothing, the best choice is laundry detergent.

Different materials of clothing have different requirements for detergents.

Laundry powder: If you don’t have close-fitting clothes, including curtains at home, you can choose to use laundry detergent when cleaning. We only need to wash it several times to reduce the residue as much as possible.

Laundry detergent: If the clothes you wear close to your body have no stubborn stains and are not made of special materials, you can choose ordinary laundry detergent.

Dedicated laundry detergent: If it is a sweater, silk and other special materials, it is best to choose a dedicated laundry detergent, otherwise it will cause damage to the clothes.

Laundry beads: specially designed for machine washing, easy to operate, no dirty hands, cleaning ability is similar to laundry detergent, and easy to rinse. Only suitable for machine washing, needs to be used with the washing machine.

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